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B2B Signup Extensions for Magento 2


The Magento 2 B2B Signup Extension is a relevant solution for e-commerce stores that focus on the B2B commerce type. This extension simplifies the registration process for B2B customers by providing a separate registration form specifically for businesses. This makes it possible to collect important information that is not normally obtained during sales in online stores, such as Address, Gender, Name Prefix Mr/Mrs, Date Of Birth, Tax/Vat Number, Suffix, Middle Name etc. Moreover, to integrate the store into the extension, admins have control to approve which business gets access to the B2B store. This approval process brings only legitimate and verified business entities to register with the platform, making the customer base secure and of high quality. This extension allows your e-commerce platform to better meet B2B customer needs, including wholesalers, distributors, and other large clients, resulting in increased efficiency and security for your business.

  • A separate registration form for B2B customers and wholesalers to gain a better understanding of their specific needs.
  • Control the account registration.
  • Notifications to admin and customers on registration and approval of an account.
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Magento CE, EE 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Special Price $45.00 $50.00