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Extra Fee for Magento2


Our Extra Fee extension for online stores makes it easy to show your customers the total cost of their order, including any add-ons like shipping, gift packaging, urgent orders, and parcel packing.
Extra Fee for Magento 2 can help to increase conversions and improve customer satisfaction. Increased transparency; customers can see the total cost of their order upfront, including any add-ons. Improved trust; customers are more likely to trust a store that is transparent about its prices.
Increased conversions; customers are more likely to complete a purchase when they know the total cost upfront. Improved customer satisfaction; customers are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase when they know what they're paying for.

  • The discount will be applied automatically to the total order amount.
  • Come with multi-store support.
  • Custom fee tag.
mgversion.png Magento CE, EE 2.3.x, 2.4.x
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